Monday, April 18, 2011

Federal Election of Canada 2011, Part 8, A Simple Question?

On March 25th, Conservative party was defeated on an Non-Confidence vote, why? What was the vote about? Why plunge Country into another election? Could have this election been avoided?

So what was the Non-Confidence vote about? There was a Commons committee looking into the government for any contempt of Parliament (wrong doing and misleading Parliament).

  1. Who inserted the “Not”?

    1. International Co-operation Minister Bev Oda was brought in for questioning, because there was a memo that the government was going to fund international relief organization, Kairos. Parliament agree to this funding, however afterwords someone inserted “not funding” Kairos. So the question is this, who inserted the not and why. During question period this question was brought up. And Minister Bev Oda said “she didn't know”. It took a commons committee to get to the truth. It turns out that one of her staffers inserted the “Not” and used a stamp with her signature. My question is why change the funding after Parliament was good with the funding. And why Minister Bev Oda not get the copy of the revised memo and share it with Parliament.

  2. How much do the Jets cost?

    1. Conservative claim that the total for the CF-35a will cost 75million per jet and the program will cost in total 9billion.
    2. Now Norway sign a contract for the F-35 and they are paying over 200million per jet, Israel is going to be sending over 150million per jet. And if you go to Wikipedia has the price of 122million per jet. US government got a quote of 150million per jet. (there is a US law that any company selling military equipment can not sell the equipment cheater to foreign countries.).
    3. A watchdog group is claim that the total program is going to cost Canadians 29billion, really? WOW 9billion to 29billion.
    4. Conservative claim that they have a “Memo of understanding” and or a “contract”. I have heard both, regardless Conservative need to release these documents for all Canadian to see the truth. How much this jets do cost us, Yes US, the Tax payers.

There are other items coming into light, like the Auditor General Sheila Fraser drafts about the G8 Summits where leak out. Now the final report isn't going to be release, we have to wait for Parliament is back in session. But both drafts has this common thing in common: the Conservatives asked for 80million for border improvement, however 50million was spent in the riding of Parry Sound - Muskoka witch happen to be Minister of Industry, Tony Clement riding. So what did we pay for new sidewalks and city improvements. No where near any borders. Why did Conservative mislead Parliament about this? Why didn't they just come back to Parliament and say “We have 50million extra that we would like to thank they riding of Parry Sound – Muskoka for hosting the G8”?

I do have other questions that I know that I will not get

  1. Conservatives claim that they can clear up the budget a year early, how? They brought out a budget 2-3 weeks before this statement, what change? Are they planing on cutting some services? Raise taxes on the middle class?
  2. Why can't they produce document on their program sending (prions and CF-35)?
  3. Why is someone that has been convected of fraud is working in the PMO, where top secrete documents are?
  4. Why did he pointed new senators that are under investigation for fraud?

So is this Conservatives government corrupt?

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