Friday, April 21, 2017

2017 What is going on here?

It’s 1917, April 9 in the early morning in northern France.  The Canadian guns fell silent, all the artillery has hit it’s targets. Now it’s 5:30 am the artillery begins again, with the creeping barrage. The Canadian Crop went over the top, this time it was different.  The men where not crying out for King and Country, but For Canada! The Canadian Crop won the battle, the British and French has said it would take the Canadians 4 years to win Vimy Ridge. They did it in 2 days with all the fighting done in 4 days. Everyone believes this was when Canada came into her own.

Hundred years later Canada commemoration of Vimy Ridge, the world is slipping into chaos. There is so much more tension in the world then there every was.  Not sense the outbreak of the First World War and the Second there was so much going on.

In January 2017 the Doomsday Clock moved 30 seconds closer to midnight, so now it’s 2.5 minutes to midnight. The only other time that it was so close to midnight was in 1953 with 2 minutes to midnight.  In 1991 it fell back to 17 minutes to midnight night, so what happen?

Days before Canadians remember her fallen at Vimy Ridge, the Syria Government gas attack it’s on citizens with nerve gas, killing a lot of children. Now Present Trump, who is a business man and not a politician, listen to his Generals and attack the air base that the plains flew out of. Trump said that “They have crossed the red line”. Now the Russians are claiming that the USA has crossed the red line.  In Egypt on Palm Sunday two Coptic Christen Churches where bombed, killing more in-essence people. Present Trump sends an aircraft carrier to the Korean as North Korea test another missile and maybe has the capability of have nuclear weapons.

It looks like more and more we slipping in another world war.  How would this look? Where will it be fought? Would someone do the unthinkable, drop the nuclear bomb?

Will History Repeat Itself?

There are some alarming things that has happen that is happening today. In 1914 everyone believed that no one was going to start a war over an assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary.  The Germans did believe that Austria-Hungary would start the war with Serbia. It always seem that people under estimate what is really going on, at the time there was a lot of tension between the empires with an arms race and building colonies. Image the shock on German Emperor; King of Prussia Kaiser Wilhem II when he got the telegram that Emperor of Austria; King of Hungary Franz Joseph I attack Serbia and the outrage of the Emperor and Autocrat of Russias Tsar Nicholas II sided with Serbia. What can the German leader do but attack France via Belgium, witch in turn drew the British Empire in to the fight because of the treading between France and England and the next thing that happen, almost all of Europe into war. It shouldn’t happen but as strange that it is that how the first world war started. This just show how one event “the assassination” can cause a chain of event to make something bigger then what it really was.

At the end of the “Great War”, everyone thought that there could be peace in the world. German was disarmed and left powerless. There was high unemployment and a lot of unrest in German from 1920-1929. After the stock market crash in 1929 things got worst in German pretty much bankrupt, the government was not effective. The German government was broken, with manny different parties they couldn’t really govern the county. There was too manny different political groups, from democratic to communist to extremist groups. In 1934 one of these groups won the election in German, the National Socialist Party with it’s anti-semitism, and anti-communism views. It was not long before Germany started unification of “ethnic Germans” in Prussia, Austria and Czechoslovakia. Then Hitler underestimate what would happen when invaded Poland, British and the French declared war on Germany. 

So as we look at what is happening in the world today, we can see similar today. We have an arms race, with nuclear weapons. It’s not just the super powers (USA, Russia, and others) but now other counties like Korea and Iran are trying to get these weapons for themselves. However some minor powers do have these weapon like Israel and Pakistan. 

The muslim are splitter into extremist groups like IS (Islamic State) Taliban and al-Qaeda and in Russia President Vladimir Putin trying to rebuild Russia into the power that it was by reclaiming Ukraine as part of Russia. Anti-semitism talk in the USA presidential election in 2016. So history repeat itself, different but it’s there. 

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